Aqaba Development Corporation (ADC) and iPARK, an affiliate of Royal Scientific Society (RSS) and the supporting arm for entrepreneurship and creativity in Jordan, launched the first platform at Aqaba Special Economic Zone (ASEZ) to facilitate networking between leading entrepreneurs inside and outside the Kingdom and the different investment sectors.
Establishing the platform comes in line with the memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between ADC and iPark with the aim to cooperate in promoting culture of entrepreneurship in the country in general and at ASEZ in particular in addition to create an innovation catalyst business environment that maximizes social and economic growth.
In accordance with the MoU, the two parties will exchange expertise. It is worthy to mention that ADC seeks through this platform to place Aqaba on the map of leading projects to attract funding entities and leaders of creativity to be able to boost investment sector starting from the South throughout all governorates in light of the projects, industries and railway systems the Corporation orchestrates in the South of the Kingdom.