DGL Chain
For financial institutes who are looking for secure and financially more efficient approaches for reconciling ledgers and transactions away from the current centralized models, DGL Chain offers a peer-to-peer network providing access to a distributed database ledger shared and highly secure.
DGL Chain provides a point-to-point connectivity between the financial institutes. Connectivity is seamless and includes data set transformation from/to the blockchain shared database to the peer nodes. Moreover, the shared database is done through a dedicated Blockchain fabric that keeps record of all the ledgers. The Blockchain replicates ledgers and sends them to all the peers, these copies are not editable and can be crosschecked by all peers and hence are highly secure. Such a high level of security cannot be made available by current intermediately third party financial institutes that act as middlemen in sending and reconciling ledgers and transactions. Furthermore, the Blockchain structure cuts costs spent on intermediately third-party institutes and saves time spent by peers on managing them. Finally, DGL Chain provides the infrastructure required for sharing the ledgers between the peers and manages the admin and reporting of transactions on the network.